Она дарует нам с любовью.                         И в откровениях ее                         Веселье дышит и здоровье.                         Тебе о сущности добра                         И человечьем назначенье                         Расскажут вешние ветра,                         А не мудреные ученья.                         Ведь наш безжизненный язык,                         Наш разум в суете напрасной                         Природы искажают лик,                         Разъяв на части мир прекрасный.                         Искусств не надо и наук.                         В стремленье к подлинному знанью                         Ты сердце научи, мой друг,                         Вниманию и пониманью.


ANIMAL TRANQUILLITY AND DECAY A Sketch                            The little hedgerow birds,                  That peck along the roads, regard him not.                  He travels on, and in his face, his step,                  His gait, is one expression: every limb,                  His look and bending figure, all bespeak                  A man who does not move with pain, but moves                  With thought. - He is insensibly subdued                  To settled quiet: he is one by whom                  All effort seems forgotten; one to whom                  Long patience hath such mild composure given,                  That patience now doth seem a thing of which                  He hath no need. He is by nature led                  To peace so perfect that the young behold                  With envy, what the Old Man hardly feels.                  I asked him whither he was bound, and what                  The object of his journey; he replied                  'Sir! I am going many miles to take                  A last leave of my son, a mariner,                  Who from a sea-fight has been brought to Falmouth,                  And there is dying in a hospital.'




                       Не возбуждая любопытства птиц,                        Облюбовавших придорожный куст,                        Он все идет — лицо его, шаги,                        Походка выражают лишь одно:                        И в сгорбленной фигуре, и в глазах                        Таится не страдание, но мысль;                        Он так упорно приучал себя                        К бесстрастью, что при взгляде на него                        Не помнишь об усильях; он из тех,                        Кого долготерпенье привело                        К столь кроткому смиренью, что ему                        Терпеть уже не трудно. И покой                        Его так совершенен, что юнец,                        Завидуя, глядит ему вослед.                        На мой вопрос, куда он держит путь,                        С какою целью? — он ответил так:                        'Иду я в Фелмут к сыну своему.                        Он ранен был в сражении морском.                        Сейчас в больнице умирает он,                        И я хочу успеть проститься с ним'.


ТWhen a Northern Indian, from sickness, is unable to continue his journey with his companions, he is left behind, covered over with deer-skins, and is supplied with water, food, and fuel, if the situation of the place with afford it. He is informed of the track which his companions intend to pursue, and if he be unable to follow, or overtake them, he perishes alone in the desert; unless he should have the good fortune to fall in with some other tribes of Indians. The females are equally, or still more, exposed to the same fate. See that very interesting work Heame's _Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean_. In the high northern latitudes, as the same writer informs us, when the northern lights vary their position in the air, they make a rustling and a crackling noise, as alluded to in the following poem.

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