Since paint

that time it _____ (9) as the White House. Nowadays the White House know

_____ (10) lots of tourists from all over the world. attract

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

More and more animals are fighting for _____ (1) nowadays, and it is not survive

only _____ (2) who are to blame. Thousands of fish die every hunt

year as а result of the _____ (3) _____ (4) of waste in legal, dump

rivers by factories all over Europe. _____ (5) are often carried investigate

out to discover who is _____ (6) for these ecological disasters, response

but even when the offenders are found, the _____ (7) for this punish

kind of _____ (8) is not as severe as it should be. Factories will only reform behave

once the public _____ (9) to stop buying their products, and not before. threat

It is the only _____ (10) to а very serious problem. solve

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space. If you tried to visualise a Paris caf e, you would probably _____ (1) plates of golden croissants and cups of steaming hot coffee. Whatever you picture, a teapot is _____ (2) to be part of the scene. Although the _____ (3) of taking afternoon tea is in many _____ (4) an English custom, its popularity is now _____ (5) through Paris. Tea salons have been fashionable in Paris _____ (6) early this century. One of the oldest tearooms in Paris, ‘Angelina’, was _____ (7) in 1903. The atmosphere has a charming turn-of-the-century feel and the menu includes a mouth-watering _____ (8) of cream cakes, meringues and almond macaroons. Tearooms in Paris are unfortunately often overlooked by tourists snared by the bright lights and bistros. But for those who know, tea drinking in saloons is serious _____ (9). Menus often give you _____ (10) descriptions of the teas’ _____ (11), or even what time of the day is _____ (12) for drinking a certain tea. For serious connoisseurs there is only one tearoom _____ (13) visiting ‘Marriage Freres’. In this sunny tearoom you’ll be surrounded by towering green plants and _____ (14) by white-suited waiters. In the adjoining shop, enormous chests of China tea are displayed alongside old canisters containing 350 _____ (15) of tea from more than 30 countries.

1. a) think b) imagine c) consider d) figure

2. a) rarely b) not c) unlikely d) hardly

3. a) means b) fact c) view d) habit

4. a) ideas b) ways c) types d) forms

5. a) spreading b) moving c) going d) swelling

6. a) for b) until c) since d) before

7. a) founded b) set c) run d) found

8. a) mass b) selection c) mixture d) collection

9. a) affair b) trade c) business d) commerce

10. a) tiny b) particular c) special d) detailed

11. a) origins b) births c) sources d) beginnings

12. a) conventional b) relevant c) appropriate d) reliable

13. a) right b) worth c) deserving d) worthy

14. a) shown b) ordered c) served d) brought

15. a) makes b) variations c) types d) breeds



Test 1. 1. churches; 2. difficulties; 3. mice; 4. months; 5. children; 6. roofs; 7. boys; 8. women; 9. deer; 10. leaves; 11. geese; 12. potatoes; 13. feet; 14. dresses; 15. radios; 16. oxen; 17. fish/fishes; 18. wolves; 19. countries; 20. teeth; 21. curricula

Test 2. 1. nannies; 2. fathers-in-law; 3. headaches; 4. dictionaries; 5. pincushions; 6. hold-ups; 7. hoofs/hooves; 8. radios; 9. train robberies; 10. painkillers; 11. bushes; 12. pen-friends; 13. videos; 14. pillowcases; 15. violins; 16. wives; 17. media; 18. mice; 19. godfathers; 20. wishes; 21. phenomena

Test 3. 1. deer; 2. ladies; 3. roofs; 4. chiefs; 5. studios; 6. zoos; 7. buses; 8. sheep; 9. species; 10. days; 11. families; 12. dishes; 13. paws; 14. forks; 15. data; 16. Eskimos; 17. leaves; 18. lives; 19. zeroes/zeros; 20. buffaloes/buffalos; 21. criteria

Test 4. 1. trout; 2. composers; 3. insects; 4. oases; 5. analyses; 6. bacteria; 7. waiters; 8. babies; 9. handkerchiefs; 10. churches; 11. memos; 12. ball games; 13. passers-by; 14. letdowns; 15. vowels; 16. buzzes; 17. glasses; 18. men; 19. geese; 20. feet; 21. volcanoes

Test 5. 1. benches; 2. celebrities; 3. lice; 4. baths; 5. women; 6. cliffs; 7. plays; 8. scarves; 9. beliefs; 10. sheep; 11. halves; 12. tomatoes; 13. means; 14. photos; 15. fruit/fruits; 16. swine; 17. activities; 18. thieves; 19. kilos; 20. parties; 21. appendices/appendixes

Test 6. 1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. is

Test 7. 1. are; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. is; 9. are; 10. is; 11. is; 12. is; 13. is; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. is; 19. are; 20. are

Test 8. 1. is; 2. don’t; 3. want; 4. was; 5. aren’t; 6. wasn’t; 7. does/ do; 8. isn’t; 9. they are; 10. are; 11. do; 12. is; 13. are; 14. was; 15. is; 16. is; 17. is; 18. are; 19. is; 20. needs

Test 9. 1. were; 2. is; 3. does; 4. makes; 5. enjoy; 6. is; 7. are looking; 8. get; 9. is passing; 10. is; 11. is, is; 12. were (each member of the audience individually); 13. is; 14. was; 15. are; 16. gives; 17. were; 18. was; 19. is; 20. is


Test 1. 1. her; 2. them; 3. she, me; 4. he, us; 5. she, him; 6. you; 7. she; 8. them; 9. him; 10. it, it, me; 11. him; 12. it; 13. it; 14. it, it; 15. it; 16. you; 17. it; 18. it, it; 19. it; 20. it

Test 2. 1. her; 2. him; 3. me; 4. them; 5. it; 6. them; 7. us; 8. them; 9. him; 10. them; 11. them, me; 12. it, them; 13. it, him; 14. it; 15. I, them; 16. they; 17. him; 18. us; 19. he, me; 20. them

Test 3. 1. my; 2. his, his; 3. its; 4. her; 5. his; 6. theirs; 7. my; 8. their; 9. its; 10. their; 11. my; 12. its 13. his; 14. your, mine; 15. theirs; 16. mine; 17. yours; 18. your; 19. their; 20. her

Test 4. 1. their; 2. his; 3. his; 4. your; 5. their; 6. your; 7. our; 8. her; 9. hers; 10. our; 11. mine; 12. his; 13. their; 14. her; 15. our; 16. its; 17. my; 18. its; 19. her; 20. their

Test 5. 1. your; 2. your; 3. my; 4. my; 5. her; 6. his; 7. our; 8. our; 9. our; 10. our; 11. her; 12. your

Test 6. 1. yourself; 2. themselves; 3. ourselves; 4. myself; 5. himself; 6. myself; 7. herself; 8.itself; 9. himself; 10.himself; 11. herself; 12. itself; 13. himself; 14. themselves; 15. herself; 16. herself; 17. herself; 18. yourself; 19. yourself; 20. himself

Test 7. 1. herself; 2. himself/herself; 3. herself; 4. itself; 5. themselves; 6. herself; 7. herself; 8. himself; 9. himself; 10. themselves; 11. ourselves; 12. itself; 13. herself; 14. yourselves; 15. myself; 16. herself; 17. ourselves; 18. herself; 19. ourselves; 20. myself

Test 8. 1. these, those; 2. this; 3. this, that; 4. these, those; 5. that; 6. this; 7. that; 8. that; 9. these; 10. these; 11. this, that; 12. that; 13. that; 14. that; 15. that; 16. that; 17. that; 18. that; 19. this; 20. this

Test 9 . 1. that; 2. this; 3. those; 4. this; 5. that; 6. this; 7. this/that; 8. that; 9. those; 10. those; 11. this; 12. these; 13. these; 14. those; 15. those; 16. this, that; 17. that; 18. this; 19. this; 20. that

Test 10. 1. some, any; 2. any, some; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some, any; 6. any, some; 7. no; 8. some; 9. every; 10. no; 11. every; 12. any; 13. no/ some; 14. some; 15. some; 16. any; 17. some; 18. every; 19. any; 20. any/ every

Test 11. 1. any; 2. any; 3. some; 4. any; 5. something; 6. anything; 7. nothing; 8. anybody/anyone; 9. some, any; 10. anybody/anyone; 11. somebody/someone, anywhere; 12. any; 13. something/somebody; 14. somebody/someone; 15. nobody/no one; 16. somebody/someone; 17. anybody/anyone/anything; 18. every; 19. anything, nothing; 20. every

Test 12. 1. no; 2. some, any; 3. any; 4. anyone/anybody; 5. some, any; 6. some; 7. somewhere; 8. any; 9. no; 10. anyone/anybody; 11. everywhere, anywhere; 12. anything; 13. any; 14. some, any; 15. someone; 16. everyone/everybody; 17. no; 18. anything; 19. nobody; 20. something

Test 13. 1. any; 2. some, any; 3. no; 4. any; 5. some; 6. every; 7. some, any; 8. anyone/anybody; 9. anything; 10. anyone/anybody, nobody/no one; 11. anyone/anybody; 12. somewhere; 13. anything; 14. anywhere; 15. nothing; 16. anywhere; 17. anything; 18. nobody/no one, nothing; 19. everyone/everybody; 20. somewhere/anywhere


Test 1. 1. eight; 2. ten; 3. eleven; 4. seventeen; 5. twelve; 6. sixteen; 7. twenty; 8. thirteen; 9. nineteen; 10. fourteen; 11. forty; 12. eighty; 13. one hundred and twenty; 14. ninety; 15. four hundred; 16. sixty; 17. zero; 18. three; 19. one/a hundred; 20. seventy; 21. thirty; 22. thirty-seven; 23. fifty; 24. fifty-six; 25. sixty-one; 26. seventy-four; 27. ninety-one; 28. ninety-seven; 29. one/a hundred; 30. sixty

Test 2. 1. three – third; 2. four – fourth; 3. nine – ninth; 4. eleven – eleventh; 5. nineteen – nineteenth; 6. thirty – thirtieth; 7. forty-one – forty-first; 8. forty- two – forty-second; 9. seventy-four – seventy-fourth; 10. eighty-five – eighty-fifth; 11. ninety-nine – ninety-ninth; 12. one hundred – one hundredth; 13. five hundred and ten – five hundred and tenth; 14. nine hundred – nine hundredth; 15. nine hundred and ninety-nine – nine hundred and ninety-ninth; 16. one thousand – one thousandth; 17. two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven – two thousand five hundred and thirty-seventh; 18. five thousand two hundred – five thousand two hundredth; 19. ten thousand – ten thousandth; 20. one million – one millionth

Test 3. 1. first; 2. fifth; 3. tenth; 4. twentieth; 5. second; 6. ninth; 7. twenty- first; 8. eleventh; 9. eighth; 10. one hundred and first.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Test 1. 1. colder, the coldest; 2. bigger, the biggest; 3. more wonderful, the most wonderful; 4. happier, the happiest; 5. better, the best; 6. more comfortable, the most comfortable; 7. easier, the easiest; 8. fatter, the fattest; 9. worse, the worst; 10. nicer, the nicest; 11. newer, the newest; 12. more expensive, the most expensive; 13. hungrier, the hungriest; 14. hotter, the hottest; 15. less, the least

Test 2. 1.

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