He must have had to do it. 8. Could you repeat your question, please? 9. I may/ might have to work on Sunday. 10. He must be still doing his homework. 11. You should finish this work. 12. I will be able to speak English very well in a year. 13. What did you have to do yesterday? 14. May I go out? 15. He was to come an hour ago. 16. Can he have forgotten about my birthday? 17. The teacher said we might go home. 18. You mustn’t read this book. 19. Last year I couldn’t swim but now I can. 20. He may be still waiting for me.


Test 1. 1. in; 2. on; 3. at; 4. at; 5. —; 6. in; 7. in; 8. in; 9. at; 10. on; 11. at, in; 12. by; 13. on; 14. at; 15. from, till, at; 16. at;.17. in; 18. at, on; 19. —, in; 20. on

Test 2. 1. from, till; 2. in; 3. —, in; 4. at; 5. on, at; 6. in; 7. on; 8. at; 9. for, – ; 10. on; 11. —; 12. at; 13. by; 14. in; 15. at, for; 16. on; 17. in; 18. since; 19. at; 20. in

Test 3. 1. in, at; 2. at; 3. in; 4. at, at; 5. at; 6. on; 7. on; 8. on; 9. in; 10. on; 11. on, in; 12. at; 13. on; 14. on; 15. at, at, in; 16. in, on; 17. at; 18. on/at; 19. at; 20. at

Test 4. 1. in; 2. on; 3. in; 4. at, in, at; 5. in, in/at, on; 6. at, in; 7. on/ at; 8. at; 9. at; 10. in, at/in; 11. at; 12. in; 13. at, at; 14. on/at; 15. on; 16. on; 17. on; 18. in; 19. on; 20. on, in

Test 5. 1. in, at; 2. on, at; 3. at; 4. in; 5. at; 6. on; 7. on; 8. on, on; 9. at, in; 10. On, at/on; 11. at; 12. at; 13. in; 14. on; 15. at, at, in; 16. on; 17. at; 18. in; 19. at, in; 20. in

Test 6. 1. above/over/behind; 2. out of; 3. along/down/up; 4. out of/ through; 5. into/along/up/down; 6. over; 7. to; 8. on; 9. round; 10. along/ up/down; 11. past; 12. into; 13. beside/by/at; 14. in; 15. off; 16. over; 17. across; 18. towards; 19. to; 20. through; 21. on; 22. by/beside; 23. against; 24. by/past; 25. over

Test 7. 1. to, about; 2. from; 3. to, about; 4. to; 5. in; 6. to, for; 7. to; 8. on; 9. with; 10. on; 11. for; 12. for; 13. about, to, about; 14. to, about, about; 15. to, about; 16. into; 17. at; 18. at; 19. at; 20. with

Test 8. 1. into; 2. with, for; 3. for; 4. for; 5. for; 6. to; 7. to; 8. on; 9. with; 10. in; 11. from; 12. about; 13. on; 14. on; 15. to; 16. to; 17. with; 18. to; 19. to; 20. to

Test 9. 1. of; 2. of; 3. of; 4. of; 5. of; 6. for; 7. about; 8. about; 9. to; 10. at; 11. from; 12. with; 13. to; 14. with; 15. to; 16. at; 17. in; 18. to; 19. to; 20. for

Test 10. 1. of; 2. of; 3. to; 4. of; 5. of; 6. of; 7. of; 8. to; 9. to; 10. with; 11. with; 12. by; 13. at; 14. for; 15. for; 16. of; 17. to; 18. about; 19. with; 20. to

Test 11. 1. to; 2. at; 3. of; 4. at; 5. from; 6. for; 7. with; 8. to; 9. to; 10. about; 11. with; 12. of; 13. to; 14. to; 15. of; 16. about; 17. with; 18. for; 19. about; 20. of

Test 12. 1. as; 2. for; 3. at; 4. in; 5. in; 6. off; 7. to; 8. to; 9. to; 10. on

Test 13. 1. in; 2. for; 3. in; 4. of; 5. for; 6. in; 7. in; 8. for; 9. in; 10. with; 11. in; 12. in; 13. from; 14. of; 15. to

Test 14. 1. on; 2. To; 3. in; 4. in; 5. on; 6. of; 7. At; 8. at; 9. In; 10. at; 11. by; 12. in; 13. to; 14. on; 15. for

Test 15 . 1. with; 2. on; 3. to; 4. of; 5. in; 6. with; 7. down; 8. behind; 9. at; 10. in; 11. off; 12. through; 13. behind; 14. with; 15. through


Test 1. 1. much; 2. few; 3. many; 4. little; 5. much/little; 6. much; 7. much; 8. many; 9. few; 10. much; 11. many, much; 12. many; 13. much/little; 14. much/little; 15. many; 16. little; 17. much/a little; 18. much; 19. a few/many, a little/much; 20. many

Test 2. 1. few; 2. little; 3. many; 4. much; 5. many; 6. few; 7. little; 8. a few; 9. a little; 10. little; 11. many/a few; 12. few; 13. a little; 14. a few; 15. few; 16. many; 17. much; 18. little; 19. a little; 20. many

Test 3. 1. such a; 2. such a; 3. such a, so; 4. so; 5. so; 6. so; 7. such; 8. so; 9. so; 10. so; 11. such a; 12. so; 13. so; 14. so; 15. so; 16. so, such a; 17. so; 18. such a; 19. so; 20. such.

Test 4. 1. so; 2. such; 3. such a; 4. so; 5. so; 6. so; 7. such; 8. such a; 9. such a; 10. so; 11. such a; 12. so, such; 13. such a; 14. so; 15. such a; 16. so; 17. such; 18. such; 19. so; 20. such a.

Test 5. 1. do; 2. make/made; 3. do; 4. making; 5. do; 6. made; 7. make; 8. make; 9. do; 10. done; 11. made; 12. do; 13. make; 14. do; 15. make; 16. done; 17. making/made; 18. do; 19. make; 20. make, do

Test 6. 1. made/have to make/’ll make; 2. had done, had made; 3. do; 4. have made; 5. did/have done; 6. made/has made; 7. making; 8. does/did/has done; 9. made; 10. do; 11. is doing/does/did; 12. made; 13. to do; 14. is doing; 15. make, make; 16. do; 17. make; 18. makes; 19. make; 20. do

Test 7. 1. do; 2. making; 3. make; 4. do; 5. doing; 6. made; 7. do; 8. made; 9. up; 10. damage/harm; 11. did; 12. do; 13. effort; 14. sure; 15. do

Test 8. 1. told; 2. said; 3. said; 4. told; 5. tell; 6. Say; 7. told; 8. told; 9. Tell; 10. said; 11. told; 12. said; 13. told; 14. said; 15. tell, said; 16. tell, say; 17. tell; 18. told; 19. tell; 20. said

Test 9. 1. said/says; 2. said; 3. told; 4. say; 5. told; 6. tell; 7. say; 8. says; 9. says; 10. say; 11. tell; 12. tell; 13. say; 14. say; 15. told; 16. told; 17. told; 18. told; 19. talk; 20. talked; 21. speak; 22. say, tell; 23. says; 24. told/tells; 25. said/says; 26. say; 27. tell; 28. says; 29. telling; 30. said/says

Test 10. 1. say; 2. talked; 3. given; 4. said; 5. turned down/refused; 6. persuade/tell; 7. discuss; 8. told; 9. talk; 10. convinced; 11. denied; 12. give; 13. refuse; 14. telling; 15. give; 16. told

Test 11. 1. to/round; 2. round; 3. out; 4. up; 5. out; 6. up to/over to; 7. into; 8. down; 9. along/on; 10. off; 11. across/upon; 12. round; 13. back; 14. for; 15. along; 16. on; 17. down; 18. off; 19. into; 20. out

Test 12. 1. ahead/on; 2. for; 3. on; 4. over; 5. off; 6.out; 7. in for; 8. down; 9. round 10. through; 11. back on; 12. through with; 13. down/off; 14. back; 15. over/through; 16. off; 17. off/away; 18. in for; 19. up; 20. without

Test 13. 1. away; 2. up; 3. back; 4. up; 5. away; 6. in; 7. up; 8. out; 9. up; 10. out; 11. away; 12. for; 13. out; 14. up; 15. back; 16. in; 17. away; 18. off; 19. back; 20. in

Test 14. 1. back; 2. off; 3. off; 4. off; 5. down; 6. out; 7. away; 8. on; 9. down to; 10. on; 11. up with; 12. up; 13. up; 14. down; 15. forward; 16. down; 17. up with; 18. up; 19. on; 20. in

Test 15. 1. in; 2. aback; 3. up; 4. after; 5. back; 6. to; 7. up; 8. off; 9. to; 10. over; 11. for; 12. for; 13. out; 14. on; 15. in; 16. down; 17. on/over; 18. in; 19. along/out; 20. aside

Test 16. 1. were going to; 2. nice; 3. invented; 4. receipt; 5. remind; 6. fetching; 7. else; 8. conducted; 9. grand; 10. match; 11. classic; 12. economical; 13. eventually; 14. efficient; 15. historic; 16. illegible; 17. consistent; 18. effect; 19. humanely; 20. an opportunity

Test 17. 1. Technical; 2. specially; 3. disinterested; 4. nil; 5. possibility; 6. disused; 7. counsellor; 8. room; 9. shade; 10. possibly; 11. umpire; 12. policy; 13. steps; 14. barrister; 15. write-up; 16. financial; 17. morale; 18. convenient; 19. amenities; 20. affect

Word Formation

Test 1. 1. disappointed; 2. misunderstood; 3. disliked; 4. replace; 5. returned; 6. mistook; 7. overcooked; 8. mistaken; 9. misread; 10. overcharging

Test 2. 1. independent; 2. impolite; 3. illogical; 4. prehistoric; 5. transatlantic; 6. immoral; 7. international; 8. irrelevant; 9. irregular; 10. indirect

Test 3. 1. semi-final; 2. ex-partner; 3. substandard; 4. multinational; 5. subsection; 6. multi-ethnic; 7. subzero; 8. deregulate; 9. ex-wife; 10. decode

Test 4. 1. photographer; 2. friendship; 3. childhood; 4. excitement; 5. happiness; 6. writer; 7. division; 8. activity; 9. greatness; 10. importance

Test 5. 1. communication; 2. pollution; 3. destruction; 4. starvation; 5. extinction; 6. exhaustion; 7. foundations; 8. protection; 9. competition; 10. creation

Test 6. 1. dangerous; 2. foggy; 3. attractive; 4. comfortable; 5. famous; 6. industrial; 7. musical; 8. economical; 9. central; 10. knowledgeable

Test 7. 1. unpopular; 2. displeasing; 3. unhealthy; 4. undeniable; 5. irresistible; 6. impossible; 7. ineffective; 8. illegal; 9. unable; 10. unbearable

Test 8. 1. beautifully; 2. successfully; 3. better; 4. correctly; 5. fluently; 6. frequently; 7. occasionally; 8. carefully; 9. accurately; 10. strongly

Test 9. 1. civilizations; 2. decorated; 3. dead; 4. proclamation; 5. joint; 6. observed; 7. proclamation; 8. citizens; 9. peace; 10. limited; 11. national; 12. organizations; 13. participants; 14. traditionally; 15. beginning

Test 10. 1. neighbourhood; 2. architects; 3.build; 4. wonderfully; 5. own; 6. running; 7. conveniences; 8. massive; 9. different; 10. living

Test 11. 1. fun; 2. free; 3. teenage; 4. difficult; 5. harder; 6. less; 7. passing; 8. better; 9. less; 10. more; 11. British; 12. best; 13. twenties; 14. life; 15. reading

Test 12. 1. independence; 2. important; 3. spoilt; 4. greedy; 5. mannered; 6. polite; 7. behaviour; 8. them; 9. children; 10. pride; 11. conceited; 12. tolerant; 13. different; 14. importance; 15. imitation

Test 13. 1. education; 2. noise; 3. power; 4. different; 5. cooking; 6. conformists; 7. assure; 8. bullying

Test 14. 1. system; 2. useful; 3. classification; 4. criminals; 5. greatly; 6. strengthen; 7. revolution; 8. search; 9. selection; 10. identification

Test 15. 1. proud; 2. Researchers; 3. conclusion; 4. development; 5. illnesses; 6. endangered; 7. solution; 8. carefully; 9. differently; 10. encouraged

Test 16. 1. pollution; 2. disastrous; 3. extinction; 4. harmful; 5. damaging; 6. population; 7. survival; 8. responsibility; 9. poverty; 10. starvation

Exam Practice

Test 1.1. 1. was chosen; 2. their; 3. strongest; 4. has almost disappeared; 5. were; 6. decreasing; 7. don’t hatch; 8. are trying; 9. is slowly increasing; 10. has survived

Test 1.2. 1. arrival; 2. beautiful; 3. population; 4. inhabitants; 5. nationalities; 6. tourists; 7. especially; 8. Visitors; 9. wonderful; 10. enthusiastic

Test 1.3. 1. d; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. d; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. d; 12. a; 13. c; 14. c; 15. d

Test 2.1. 1. was described; 2. was

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