Алан никогда не предоставлял мне экземпляр своей библиографии. Среди его бумаг, оказавшихся в моем распоряжении, была страничка, которая могла быть наброском этого потерянного документа. Она гласила следующее: “КНИГИ/МАТЕРИАЛЫ. Сослаться на Берла, Хэймэна, Гардена, Гордона, Джеймса Андерсона 1779, Пеннанта 1774, Общество любителей древностей Шотландии, “Археология и доисторические анналы Шотландии” Уилсона 1851, “Высеченные камни Шотландии” Дж. Стюарта 1856, “Примитивные каменные памятники во всех странах” Фергюсона 1872 г., “Крепости на холмах…” и “Что означают эти камни” Маклэгана 1875 и 1894, “Бруменд оф Кричи” PSAS Долримпла 1884, “Каменные круги рядом с Абердином” JRAI Льюиса 1888, Фрэд Коулс 1899–1910, Норман Локиер, Преп. Брауни, Сэр А. Огстон, Пиксли, Кэмпбелл, Фостер Форбс, Уоткинс”.

Из этой скудной странички и моих собственных исследований в справочном зале Абердинской Библиотеки я составила библиографию, которая, хочется верить, максимально близка к пропавшей работе Алана. Она выглядит так:

Aberdeen Spalding Club (1843) Collection for a History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff

Aberdeen Spalding Club (1847-69) Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff

Alexander W.M. (1952) Place Names of Aberdeenshire Aberdeen

Ashmore P.J. (fthcomng) Temples and Tombs London: Batsford

Boece, Hector (1527) History of Scotland

Browne, Rev.G.F. (1921) On some Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Dunnecht house, Aberdeenshire Cambridge 7700.f.12

Brown.P.L. (1979) Megalithic Masterminds (Robert Hale, London)

Burl, A. (1979) Rings of Stone: Prehistoric Stone Circles of Britain and Ireland Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd x.322/8945

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Gordon, Cosmo A. (ed.) (1960) Letters to John Aubrey Miscellany of the Third Spalding Club (Aberdeen)

Feachem, R. (1963) A guide to Prehistoric Scotland Batsford 7711.t.39

Forbes, J.F. (1945) Giants of Britain (Thomas` Publications) 7711 a.21 St Pan

Forbes, J.F. (1948) The Castle and Place of Rothiemay 7822 bbb 35 St Pan

Forbes, J.F. Living Stones of Britain WP 8387 WW

Grinsell, L.V. (1976) Folklore of Pre-historic Sites in Britain Newton Abbot

Hannah, I.C. (1934) The Story of Scotland in Stone Oliver and Boyd 07815.eee.54

Hayman,R. (1997) Riddles in Stone: Myths, Archaeology and the Ancient Britons YC.1997.b.839

Heggie, H. (1981) Megalithic Science London

Keiller, A. (1934) The Megalithic Monuments of North East Scotland A reprint for the Morven Institute of Archaelogical Research, London

Kirk, W. (1953) Prehistoric Sites at the Sands of Forvie, Aberdeenshire Aberdeen

Lewis, A.L. (1888) Some Stone Circles near Aberdeen Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI) 17 pp44-57

Lockyer, J. (1906) Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered London 07709.cc.8

MacDonald, J. (1900) Place Names of West Aberdeenshire Ac.1483

MacDonald, J. (1891) Place Names in Strathbogie Spalding Club 12978.c.34

MacKenzie, D.A. (1930) Scotland: The Ancient Kingdom 9510.bb.13

MacKenzie, D.A. (1935) Scottish Folklore and Folklife 20018.g.31

Mackie, E. (1977) Science and Society in Prehistoric Britain London

MacLagan, C. (1875) Hill Forts, Stone Circles … of Ancient Scotland Edinburgh 7708g3

MacLagan, C. (1894) What Mean these Stones? Edinburgh 07708.g.35

McPherson, J.M. (1929) Primitive Beliefs in the North East of Scotland Longmans 010006.f.35

Miller, H. (1834–1902) Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland Edinburgh?

Ogston, Sir.A. (1931) The Prehistoric Antiquities of the Howe of Cromar Aberdeen, Third Spalding Club Ac.8246(2)

Pennant, T. (1774) A Tour in Scotland 3rd Edition, Warrrington 567.e.2

Piggot, S. (ed.) (1962) The Prehistoric Peoples of Scotland London W.P.D. 397/5

Ritchie, A. (1989) Scotland BC Edinburgh

Ritchie, G. And A. (1981) Scotland: Archaeology and Early History London

Ruggles, C.L.N. & Clive (1984) Megalithic Astronomy… Study of 300 Western Scottish Sites x.425/5449

Ruggles, C.L.N. & Burl.A. (1985) A New Study of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles, 2. Interpretation in Journal for the History of Astronomy (JHA) 8, S27-S60 (на журнал также ссылаются как на Archaeoastronomy)

Shepherd, I.A.G. (1986) Exploring Scotland`s Heritage: Grampian Edinburgh BS.170/14

Shepherd, I.A.G. (1987) The Early Peoples in Omand, D (ed) The Grampian Book Golspie YC.1989.a.5763

Scott-Moncrieff, G. The Stones of Scotland Batsford

Simpson, W.D. The Ancient Stones of Scotland Hale X410/300 (1944) The Province of Mar AU Studies no.121

Stuart, J. (1856) Sculptured Stones of Scotland AC.8244/17

Thom, A. (1967) Megalithic Sites in Britain Oxford: Clarendon x.410/720

Thom, A. Megalithic Lunar Observations x620/1857

Thom, Thom & Burl (1980) Megalithic Rings: Plans and Data for 229 monuments in Britain Oxford

Toland, J. (1814) A New Edition of Toland`s History of the Druids by P.Huddleston 1123.g.29

Tyler, F.C. (1939) The Geometrical Arrangement of Ancient Sites London, Simpkin Marshall D- 07702.aaa.55

Wood, J.E. (1978) Sun, Moon and Standing Stones OUPx421/10666

Proceedings of the Society of Scotland Ac.2770/2a

Recumbent Stone Circles 88 Derivation from Clava tradition, p197

Walker, I.C. (1962/3) pp88-89 96 The Clava Cairns (in Ireland and Scotland) pp95-100 96

Burl, H.A.W. (1969/70) pp56-81 102 Recumbent Stone Circles of North east Scotland

Coles, J.M.; Taylor, J. J. P97 102 Excavation of a Midden … Cublin Sands, Morayshi

Stone Circles in Aberdeenshire

Dalrymple, C.E. (1884) 18 Notes on the Excavation of the Stone Circle at Crichie, Aberdeenshire pp319- 25

Peter, J. (1885) 19 Stone Circles in Old Deer pp370-377

Coles, F.R. (1899/1900) 34 p139

Coles, F.R. (1900/1) 35 pp187-248

Coles, F.R. (1901/2) 36 pp488-581

Coles, F.R. (1902/3) 37 pp82-142

Coles, F.R. (1903/4) 38 pp256-306

Coles, F.R. (1904/5) 39 pp190-206

Coles, F.R. (1905/6) 40 Stone Circles pp164-206

Coles, F.R. (1906/7) 41 Stone Circles in Baffshire and Morayshire pp130-172 48 p191

Ritchie, J. (1916/7) Notes on Some Stone Circles in Central Aberdeenshire pp30-47

Ritchie, J. (1917/8) Cup Marks on the Stone Circles and Standing Stones of Aberdeenshire and Part of

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