accommodation_____ luxurious.

11. Evidence_____ needed before the trial can continue.

12. The news_____ very exciting.

13. Mumps_____ a common illness among children.

14. My glasses_____ on the table.

15. Chinese_____ difficult to learn.

16. Where_____ the kitchen scales?

17. Billiards_____ a popular game.

18. His work_____ very interesting.

19. People_____ starving in some countries.

20. Education_____ the key to his success.

Test 7. Fill in: is or are.

1. Where_____ your trousers?

2. Could you tell me where_____ the scissors?

3. Tonight, there _____ athletics on TV.

4. Money_____ easy to spend and difficult to save.

5. Gloves_____ worn in cold weather.

6. This student’s knowledge_____ amazing.

7. Love_____ reason for much happiness.

8. This bread_____ stale.

9. Your jeans_____ on the chair.

10. His baggage_____ too heavy to carry.

11. Her advice _____ very interesting.

12. Mathematics_____ his favourite subject.

13. Measles_____ a common illness.

14. The glasses_____ on the table.

15. My sister’s hair_____ long.

16. Their bathroom scales_____ quite accurate.

17. Darts _____ a popular game in Britain.

18. This work_____ too hard.

19. People_____ unhappy with the new tax system.

20. The police_____ near.

Test 8. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.

2. The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.

3. The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.

4. Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.

5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.

6. The news (wasn’t/weren’t) as bad as we expected.

7. Where (does/do) your family live?

8. Four days (isn’t/aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.

9. He can’t find his binoculars. Do you know where (it is/they are)?

10. Do you think the people (is/are) happy with the government?

11. (Does/Do) the police know how the accident happened?

12. She doesn’t like hot weather. Twenty-eight degrees (is/are) too warm for her.

13. The staff at school (is/are) not happy with their new working conditions.

14. Thirty thousand pounds (was/were) stolen in the robbery.

15. Two years (is/are) a long time to be without job.

16. Five miles (is/are) a long way to walk every day.

17. I need more money. Six pounds (is/are) not enough.

18. These species (is/are) very rare.

19. My hair (is/are) dark brown.

20. His watch (need/needs) repairing.

Test 9. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. All of her belongings (was/were ) in a suitcase.

2. Athletics (is/are) very popular nowadays.

3. Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.

4. Chocolate (makes/make) you put on weight.

5. Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.

6. The money she makes (is/are) enough for her.

7. The police (is/are) looking for the murderer.

8. His good looks (get/gets) him what he wants.

9. The government (is/are) passing new laws.

10. Her knowledge of English (is/are) very good.

11. Measles, which (is/are) a children’s disease, (is/are) dangerous for adults.

12. The audience (was/were) given free tickets.

13. The economics (is/are) very interesting.

14. His death (was/were) a great shock.

15. Fish (is/are) easy to look after as pets.

16. Radio news (give/gives) us less information than television news.

17. The stairs to the ground floor (was/were) over there.

18. The information (was/were) very helpful.

19. His glass (is/are) on the table.

20. There (is/are) toast on the dish.



Test 1. Fill in the correct personal pronouns.

1. She is very handsome. I envy______.

2. They are not reliable. He doubts ______.

3. I taught her.______ learned it from ______.

4. We asked for his advice.______ advised______ not to come.

5. He dislikes her, and______ hates ______, it’s evident.

6. You should be there on time. I want______ to come on time.

7. She is from England,______ gave me lessons in English.

8. They are our friends. We invited______ to the party.

9. He wrote this letter. I recognized______ by his handwriting.

10. ‘Did you see the snake?’ ‘Yes, I saw______ and ______saw______.’

11. ‘Where’s Tom?’ ‘That’s ______over there.’

12. ‘Where’s my map?’ ‘I left ______on the desk.’

13. Look at that bird. ______always comes to my window.

14. ‘What time is ______?’ ‘______ is four.’

15. ‘Who is that?’ ______‘ ’s me.’

16. Hi, it is so nice to see ______again.

17. ______doesn’t matter.

18. I like when ______’s warm.

19. I find______ difficult to explain anything to him.

20. You are not guilty of ______, are you?

Test 2. Fill in the correct personal pronouns.

1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ______?

2. Do you know that man? I work with ______.

3. I’m talking to you. Please listen to ______.

4. These books are interesting. Do you want to look at ______?

5. He likes that camera. He’s going to buy ______.

6. Where are the tickets? I can’t find ______.

7. We’re going out. You can go with ______.

8. I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of ______.

9. Where is he? I want to talk to ______.

10. These plums are bad. Don’t eat ______.

11. I want those pencils. Please give______ to ______.

12. They want the money. Please give______ to ______.

13. He wants the key. Please give______ to______.

14. He never drinks milk. He doesn’t like ______.

15. I often go to the parties. ______like ______.

16. ‘Where are my glasses?’ ‘______ are on the table.’

17. Where’s Dan? I want to talk to ______.

18. We’re going shopping. Do you want to go with ______?

19. I want to see him but______ doesn’t want to see ______.

20. I don’t know those people. Do you know ______?


Test 3. Fill in the correct possessive pronouns.

1. This book belongs to me. This is ______book.

2. The man put______ hand into pocket.

3. The cat ate______ food.

4. She took out______ purse and gave it to me.

5. My husband never wears______ glasses.

6. This is their car. That other car is______ too.

7. May I introduce to you one of______ colleagues?

8. There were a lot of people coming back from ______work.

9. Every season is beautiful in ______own way.

10. They would like a house of______ own.

11. I’ll try______ best, I promise.

12. Each country has______ own customs.

13. He cut______ finger this evening.

14. Lend me______ pen, I’ve lost ______.

15. They’re going to London with some students of ______.

16. This is not my pencil, ______is red.

17. I haven’t got a pen. Can you give me ______?

18. Take off______ coat, please.

19. I saw them. This is______ car.

20. Ann is married.______ husband works in a bank.

Test 4. Fill in the correct possessive pronouns.

1. They have two children but I don’t remember______ names.

2. I often see that man but I don’t know______ name.

3. Pete is a teacher but______ sister is a nurse.

4. Do you like______ job?

5. Do you think that most people are happy in ______jobs?

6. Put on______ hat when you go out.

7. We are going to invite all______ friends to the party.

8. ______favourite sport is tennis. She plays a lot in summer.

9. He didn’t have an umbrella, so she gave him ______.

10. He was very happy because we invited him to stay with us in______ house.

11. You’ll give me your address and I’ll give you ______.

12. I gave him my address and he gave me ______.

13. I saw Liz and Philip with______ son, Bill.

14. He invited Ann with ______parents.

15. We live with ______parents.

16. Oxford is famous for______ university.

17. I can’t find ______ticket.

18. The County of Kent is famous for______ gardens.

19. My sister plays tennis too but______ favourite sport is basketball.

20. Mr and Mrs Brown live in Paris but______ son lives in London.

Test 5. Fill in my, your, his, her, our.

Dear Sally,

Thank you for ______(1) letter. I’m fine and I hope that you and ______(2) parents are fine too. In your letter you ask me who helps me with ______(3) homework. I’ve got a brother, but he never helps me with ______(4) homework. My friend Joan has got a brother too and he always helps her with ______(5) homework, but then she helps him with cleaning ______(6) room. We do a lot of homework because

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