
3. She never apologizes ___ arriving late.

4. I thought we should look ___ someone else to do the job.

5. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply ___.

6. The land belongs ___ a rich man.

7. She then referred ___ the Minister’s report.

8. I congratulate her ___ her success in the exams.

9. The boss disagreed ___ me.

10. The match resulted ___ a draw.

11. His failure resulted ___ lack of attention to details.

12. Tonight I’m going to talk ___ my favourite books.

13. You can count ___ me.

14. You can rely ___ him to be polite.

15. They complained ___ me about the noise.

16. Mary turned her head to speak ___ him.

17. The daughters sided ___ their mothers.

18. Can I speak ___ Jane, please?

19. Can you explain this word ___ me?

20. Can you explain ___ me what you mean?

Test 9. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, of, with .

1. He told me his name but I can’t think ___ it now.

2. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived in when I was a child.

3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining ___ a pain in his stomach.

4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ___ that?

5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you ___?

6. She left Boston ___ Paris when she was 19.

7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ___ it?

8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ___ it much.

9. I like to listen ___ the radio while I’m having breakfast.

10. Please don’t shout ___ me!

11. How often do you borrow books ___ the library?

12. Yes, you are right. I agree ___ you.

13. Cheers! Let’s drink ___ your success.

14. My brother is living ___ a French girl.

15. My children are looking forward ___ Christmas.

16. They arrived ___ the party at 8 p.m.

17. What time did you arrive ___ London?

18. I must introduce you ___ my cousin.

19. Something has happened ___ him.

20. Shall we ring ___ a taxi?


Test 10. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for .

1. He was afraid ___ his enemies.

2. I’ve always been terribly fond ___ you.

3. He is unaccustomed ___ the heat.

4. They may feel jealous ___ your success.

5. I was terrified ___ her.

6. That was clever ___ you.

7. I turned the job down, which was stupid ___ me.

8. My problems are very similar ___ yours.

9. He was dedicated ___ his job.

10. I could never be bored ___ football.

11. He was very pleased ___ her.

12. He was shocked ___ the hatred they had shown.

13. She has always been bad ___ languages.

14. It’s difficult ___ young people to live on their own.

15. It was unusual ___ them to go away at the weekend.

16. It was rude ___ him to leave so suddenly.

17. She was rude ___ him for no reason.

18. She was still angry ___ the results.

19. They’re getting pretty fed up ___ him.

20. If you continue to support someone who is in trouble you are loyal ___ them.

Test 11. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for, from .

1. If two things are almost the same, one is similar ___ the other.

2. Someone who is a fine athlete is good ___ games.

3. I was proud ___ my brother.

4. I’m very surprised ___ you. I can’t understand the way you behave.

5. Life is very different ___ what it used to be.

6. Who is responsible ___ this mess?

7. I’m delighted ___ the result. It’s exactly what I wanted.

8. In the army, a sergeant is senior ___ a corporal.

9. If two houses are exactly the same, one is identical ___ the other.

10. If something makes you very unhappy, you are very upset ___ it.

11. If someone makes you very angry, you are furious ___ them.

12. If you feel that you do not trust someone, you are suspicious ___ them.

13. If you treat someone very well, you are being kind ___ them.

14. If you have agreed to marry someone, you are engaged ___ him/her.

15. Everyone was very critical ___ the way he behaved.

16. We were very happy ___ the way they treated us.

17. I was very displeased ___ the way they looked.

18. I feel sorry ___ Nick. He has a lot of problems.

19. I’m sorry ___ the noise last night. We were having a party.

20. That was not very polite ___ you.


Test 12. Fill in the gaps below.

Originally I worked ___ (1) a school teacher, but I applied ___ (2) a grant to study medicine ___ (3) university and was accepted. I specialized ___ (4) mental disorders and then started my present job. I believe completely ___ (5) what I am doing, I never take any time ___ (6) work, and I am totally committed ___ (7) my clients. I have ___ (8) listen carefully to what they say, and sometimes explain ___ (9) them what I think the problem is. Sometimes they start to depend ___ (10) me too much. What is my job? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I am a psychiatrist.

Test 13. Read the letter below and add the preposition which best fits each space.

Dear Mrs Jones,

I am writing ___ (1) reply to your advertisement ___ (2) secretaries to work ___ (3) your central offices. I have already heard ___ (4) you from a friend of mine, Jenny Mansfield, who worked ___ (5) you a few years ago ___ (6) the sales department. I would be interested ___ (7) applying ___ (8) a full-time post. I am quite experienced ___ (9) secretarial work, and would have little difficulty ___ (10) the duties the current job involves. I think I’m quite skilled ___ (11) wordprocessing. I also have wide experience ___ (12) handling members of the public.

I enclose a reference ___ (13) my previous employer and copies ___ (14) my certificates. I would be happy to come for an interview at any time which is convenient for you.

I look forward ___ (15) hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Dale

Test 14. Read the text below and add the preposition which best fits each space.

Living a Long Time

It is often said that Japanese people, ___ (1) average, live much longer than Europeans. ___ (2) a large extent this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of life-style, life ___ (3) modern Japan is no less stressful than ours ___ (4) the west. The Japanese live ___ (5) a diet largely made up ___ (6) fish and rice. ___ (7) lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume ___ (8) least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. ___ (9) comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; ___ (10) the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which makes their diet much healthier ___ (11) far. It would be fair to say that, ___ (12) general, the Japanese – frequent visitors ___ (13) Europe ___ (14) business or ___ (15) pleasure – are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits.

Test 15. Fill in the gaps in the following letter.

Dear Marjorie,

I’m having problems ___ (1) my studies at school. I find it difficult to get down to work in the evenings and I can’t concentrate ___ (2) anything at the moment. I spend most of my time listening ___ (3) records or watching TV instead ___ (4) doing my homework. The other students in my class are much better than I am and I have difficulty ___ (5) keeping up with them. I sometimes have problems ___ (6) following the lessons as well. I can’t always take ___ (7) the important things my teacher says because I write so slowly. She has told me that I’m falling ___ (8) with my studies. I’m not good ___ (9) writing essays and I usually hand ___ (10) my homework late because I put ___ (11) doing it until the last minute. So I often have to invent silly excuses to explain why I haven’t done the work. I’m sure I’m not going to get ___ (12) my final exams in June. I’m now so far ___ (13) that I don’t know how I’m going to catch up ___ (14) them. My teacher spent some time going ___ (15) my homework with me but she found so many mistakes that I felt even more depressed. What do you suggest I do?

Yours desperately,




Test 1. Fill in many, much, few, a few, little , or a little .

1. Most people in this city have jobs – there isn’t ___ unemployment.

2. I live in a small village. There is a church, a shop and ___ houses – that’s all.

3. How ___ apples are on the table?

4. We are late. We have very ___ time.

5. He spends too ___ money.

6. ___ effort had been made before the peace treaty was signed.

7. He needs to buy a lot of things but he hasn’t got ___ money.

8. There aren’t ___ chairs in this room.

9. This flat is small so there are very ___ rooms here.

10. I don’t know ___ about these people.

11. He comes here ___ times a week because he has ___ free time.

12. We are destroying ___ trees and forests.

13. We use ___ electricity.

14. We burn ___ coal.

15. People put ___ chemicals into the seas.

16. There is very ___ juice left. I must buy some.

17. There is ___ Coke in the bottle. Do you want some?

18. She hasn’t got ___ homework today.

19. I need ___ eggs and ___ butter to make a cake.

20. ___ people can’t find jobs nowadays.

Test 2. Fill in much, many, few, a few, little or a little .

1. He isn’t popular. He has very ___ friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ___ free time.

3. Did you take ___ photographs when you were on holiday?

4. I am not very busy today. I haven’t got ___ to do.

5. The museum was very crowded.

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